Monday, August 14, 2017

Missing the Mundane

Mundane: lacking interest or excitement, dull

A while ago I was part of a Bible study where we read a book all about living through all the mundane things in life and doing it for God's glory. That even being "just a mom" can be done to glorify God. I believed it and I tried to practice it. But the mundane life, by definition, is just dull. The world wants us to think that we need more. More than where God has us, more than what God has given us.

Having lived in a hospital the last 4 months has made me really miss those mundane moments of just being mom.

I really cannot wait to...

  go grocery shopping
  send my boys outside to play
  do a sink full of dishes
  clean up toys that my boys have played with
  sit in my backyard
  feed a baby (without having to tell someone how much he ate)
  show off my new (not so new) baby boy
  make a meal
  do a house project
  sleep in my own bed
  have a campfire

My list could go on.

I know that God has a purpose and plan for these last few months, and I know that I may never know what that purpose was. But if I will have a big take-a-way from this time it will be to enjoy the mundane. Not just get through it, but really enjoy it. Because you never know when it will go away. You never know what will happen tomorrow or in a week or a year and you'll be begging for those mundane moments al over again. I know I am.

Now, once we get home and I actually have 3 boys to chase around and get in order and make food for and do laundry for and help steer them in the direction of being kind to one another, I know that I am going to forget. I will forget this moment right now sitting in a family lounge in the hospital as my baby has another surgery. I will forget this feeling of desperately wanting the mundane. So remind me, when you see me complain or whine, remind me where I was a few months ago.

But for now, I cannot WAIT to go back to my mundane life of being wife and mommy!

1 comment:

  1. This was sweet! Life (usually) is just mundane and this is a good call to appreciate it. Love from Pound!!! Heather
